Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Everyone wants a Rinku!"

"Everyone wants a Rinku!"
Ah, one of my favorite quotes from my friend Mizuku. The screen shot to your left was taken by him one day to try and cheer me up back when I was feeling a bit under the weather.

Anyway, ahoy there, few people who will ever actually visit this page!

My name is Rinku, as you can probably already guess, and I am the self-proclaimed Tonberry King~! What makes me the king of the tonberry, you ask? That's simple! All the rancor I've accumulated over the few years I've been playing this game.

Now, I'm just getting this thing started so there really isn't much of interest here at all, but I'm working on changing that soon enough. I started this thing because I do seem to run into some crazy adventures on FFXI and what better way to spread the hilarity than to put it on the internet?
Solo Bahamut? No problem!

Who says I can't take on the king of the wyrms? This is one of the many hilarious things I'll throw myself into for no real reason other than to exprience it. (Needless to say, this attempt at bahamut did not go so well.) I did, however, defeat Bahamut's version 1 a month or so later with BeBe. I got to go as samurai and enjoyed yukikazeing for roughly ~700 damage. (This was before the two-handed update, mind you.)